North Country Recreation

Formerly known as Outdoor Recreation, the program has recently expanded to provide other opportunities for enjoyment outside of outdoor recreation activities. The purpose of North Country Recreation is to not only offer people the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities, but to also enjoy other activities as well, such as crafts, video production, games, online chats, and so much more! This is a program for people with disabilities, including those with more involved physical disabilities who may require assistance.

One of the main ideas behind this program is that people learn a lot about themselves when they learn something new, in a new environment, together with new people. Stretching themselves outside of their "comfort zones" enables them to be open to further learning experiences. Exercise and outdoor activities offer long-term health benefits that are fun, accessible, and affordable. Group activities outside of the sports and exercise portion of the program allow people to come together and learn, create, work together, and overall have fun!

This program has been developed along the lines of best practices in the field. This program's team will consist of the Trip Leader and Assistant Trip Leader. The Trip Leader is certified in Wilderness First Response, American Red Cross (ARC) Lifeguarding, ARC Small Craft Safety for Canoes and Basic Water Rescue Instruction, Basic First Aid and CPR as well as American Canoe Associations (ACA) Canoe Instructor Certification and also having completed the ACA Adaptive Paddling Workshop. The Assistant Trip Leader has ARC certifications in Basic First Aid, CPR, and Small Craft Safety for Canoes and Basic Water Rescue.

Participants as well as the other staff and volunteers who accompany them will need to meet the program's non-discriminatory Eligibility Guidelines. The Trip Leader will review with each individual a Medical Information Sheet and an Assumption of Risk form. At this time the participant will be given the opportunity to discuss how their disability may affect their ability to participate.


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Certain activities in this program are supported by the Northern New York Community Foundation.